Discover Makkah for Hajj, Business or Personal Leisure
March 14, 2022 at 12:56:00 PM
Makkah, which is often referred to as Mecca, is a an amazing place to visit for Hajj, on business or a once-in-a-lifetime vacation. It’s a blessed land and the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, and it was on this land that the Quran was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Located approximately 40 miles from the city of Jeddah in a peaceful valley, this is the holiest city in the Middle East. Makkah is best known as the site of an annual religious pilgrimage known as Hajj and a secondary pilgrimage known as Umrah. Muslim pilgrims come from all over the world to retrace the footsteps of Prophet Mohammed PBUH, and every Muslim is required to make this trip at least once if physically and financially able. While religious pilgrimage is the most common reason that visitors are admitted into Makkah, the city also receives a healthy number of business travelers each year. Many Hajj and Umrah visitors also participate in some tourist activities before completing their journey, but the religious observation must be their central reason for taking the trip.