List your hotel and accommodations at provides all the features without charging you anything, and your business can operate it on a small or large scale.

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About Us

Who Are We ?

We are an online travel startup located in Saudi Arabia that provides a reliable platform to accommodate all your travel needs with our best service.
For now we have the 4 best business services for you


We are partnering with more than 90 domestic & international airlines.


We have more than 2 millions domestic & international hotel partners.


We have more than 175 partners across 90 different cities.


We have more than 30 tour packages that you can choose from and enjoy

Attact More Audiences

Highlight your products/services on and take your brand exposure to the next level by reaching our best & loyal users

Increase sales probability

Exposure to wider audience through brand name & logo placement

Reach high quality audience

Join us now

Why you need to choose us ?

Simple and quick registration process

Create an extranet account, fill in your accommodation details, and our team will contact you. Then, your accommodation is ready to be activated on It's that simple!

Manage reservations

Easily find how many reservations and check-ins are made daily on your accommodation.

Monitored admin

difficulties will always be there, if you find them you can immediately tell us

Manage rates and allotments

Set allotment for each room type, manage room availability, manage rate plan, set cancellation policy and set meal plan effortlessly.

Reservation payment

Monitor the payment status for each transaction easily. Our advanced system guarantees secure transactions

Start a Partnership in easy steps

Express your interest

Reach us through one of our partnership PICs

Let’s discuss

Explore & then decide on the partnership scheme that best suit your needs.

Set up the program

Finalize the partnership agreement, so we can begin setting up the program.

Program is now live!

Time to let the magic of our partnership happen.

Frequently Asked Question

Registration is free and you can do so easily.

Registration is free and you can do so easily.

Registration is free and you can do so easily.

Registration is free and you can do so easily.